[net.aviation] Hours needed for instrument instruction

cjh@CCA-UNIX@sri-unix (06/24/82)

In response to your message of Sun Jun 20 10:20:13 1982:

   I had just about the minimum (40 hours? it's been a while since I looked
at the requirements)---about 2 hours over because on my supposedly last
brushup before the test I fouled up and the instructor decided he wanted to
take me out again. I was particularly fortunate in that something like 10
hours was actual IFR rather than hood time---my instructor flew DC-9's for
Delta, instructing for fun, and figured that the rating would be dangerous
without some practical experience. Will never forget flying through the
same front 6 times in two hours. . . .  My real problem was that I started
on the work a bit early---had to accumulate 200 gross hours (since this
wasn't FAA-certified school) and started the instrument work with about
100. I spent a lot of time going around the pattern at half-power (this
was an Air Force flying club in which all the planes were charged
according to tach rather than Hobbs time).