Zellich@OFFICE-3@sri-unix (07/18/82)
Date: 18 Jul 1982 1215-CDT From: ZELLICH at OFFICE-3 Subject: Add AVIATION to the master list of mailing-lists? To: Aviation-Request at MIT-AI Cc: ZELLICH at OFFICE-3 Message-ID: <18-Jul-82 12:14:23-CDT ZELLICH at OFFICE-3> I received a message from the Aviation@MIT-AI mailing-list from another source - hadn't heard about it before. Should I add it to OFFICE-3 file <ALMSA>INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT, which is a master list of all open-to-the-public mailing-lists and Digests? If I should add Aviation, I need a short description of the mailing-list, where the archives are kept if applicable, where to send please-add-me requests, etc. (Aviation-Request, if there is one), and who the current list maintainer/coordinator is. Cheers, Rich -------