cjh (08/12/82)
In response to your message of Wed Aug 11 10:44:13 1982: 9-10 planes departing at the same time? Try more like 12-15, maybe even twenty! That's what I saw, admittedly on too little sleep ([night] flight from LA to Boston, changing in DFW), pulling out of assorted DFW gates at precisely 7 AM. Similarly, there are at least 3 airlines officially leaving Boston at 7 AM for DC alone. . . . (7 AM may be \the/ most popular departure time, especially at airports with night restrictions.) Boston may be another place where airplanes are held because of destination delays (not always weather-caused---they may simply say "we're piled up enough here that you shouldn't try to ram anything more down the pipe); I can't swear to it because I've been leaving Boston recently at unfortunate or hurried hours.