[net.aviation] California Fliers!

bart (12/29/82)

This is directed mostly to California Pilots in University or College
Flying Clubs....but any of you are pilots in California, a university
or college, or a flying Club are welcome too:

The Univ. of Calif Flying Club (Berkeley) has been for the past couple
of years, having Winter and Summer Fly-ins.  These have been small affairs,
with just our 6 planes, + friends attending (the last up Cloverdale, had
9 airplanes, and a helicopter).

We are planning for the end of this summer (late August probably) a
All California College Fly-in.  This will be a weekend affair, at some
small town airport that doesn't mind us camping under the wings.  Plans
are for flying contests, bar-b-ques, maybe some freebee AOPA seminars
(we're checking on that), and we're trying to get the Christen Eagles
(who are just over hills from where we're planning) to show up.  Add
to that campfires, and rap sessions with other people in flying clubs
(share your problems and sucesses), meet other pilots, and just have
a relaxing weekend.

Right now, we're building a mailing list.  So if you, your Club, or a Club
that you know of would like to be invited, send your name, affiliation,
address (organization and/or home), and phone.  Also, those in the Bay Area
that might want to help should do the same.

Thanks....and I hope we can pull this off.
					---Bart Miller
					   U.C. Berkeley