[net.aviation] a.describe fa articles are injected from the ArpaNet

CSvax:abw@pur-ee.UUCP (08/07/83)

fa.info-terms		complaints and recommendations about VDUs
fa.info-vax             for all you vax fans
fa.info-vlsi            all about VLSI
fa.poli-sci		political science
fa.railroad             all about the railroads
fa.sf-lovers            Science Fiction Lovers, Unite!
fa.space                space program news
fa.tcp-ip               digest relating to the TCP and IP protocols
fa.telecom		telephony
fa.teletext             discussion of teletext, esoteric data systems
fa.unix-cpm		Unix-CP/M interaction
fa.unix-wizards         All about UNIX
fa.works                discussion of personal workstations
net.describe    net articles originate at USENET sites
net.adm                 administrative items (*** EXPERIMENTAL ***)
net.adm.site                    about USENET sites (*** EXPERIMENTAL ***)
net.ai                  artificial intelligence
net.analog              analog devices or systems
net.applic              applicative languages and architectures
net.arch                computer architectures
net.audio               audio equipment
net.auto                for owners of cars
net.aviation            small aircraft and aviation
net.books               all about books and literature
net.bugs                bugs in general
net.bugs.2bsd                   in the 2bsd distribution
net.bugs.4bsd                   in the 4bsd distribution
net.bugs.usg                    in the USG (System III, V) distributions
net.bugs.uucp                   in the UUCP program
net.bugs.v7                     in the Bell V7 distribution
net.chess		for chess buffs
net.cms                 CMS operating system
net.college             College, college activities, campus life, etc.
net.columbia            space shuttle news
net.cooks               for budding Escoffiers
net.cse                 computer science education
net.cycle		for motorcyclists
net.dcom                data communications (modems, multiplexors, etc.)
net.decus               all about DECUS
net.emacs               for users of EMACS
net.eunice              EUNICE - the UNIX under VMS system
nat.flame               for and about flaming
net.followup            followup messages to articles in net.general
net.games               guess!!
net.games.dip			Diplomacy forum
net.games.emp			Empire fanatics
net.games.frp                   fantasy role playing games
net.games.pacman                pacman
net.games.pbm                   play-by-mail games
net.games.rogue                 guess again!!!
net.games.trivia                trivia contests and results
net.games.video                 video games
net.garden              for those with green thumbs
net.gdead               all about the Grateful Dead
net.general             items of general interest
net.graphics            graphics
net.ham-radio           ham radio news
net.info-micro          like fa.info-micro, but sent only to the USENET
net.info-terms          like fa.info-terms, but sent only to the USENET
net.invest		investment news
net.jobs		job listings
net.jokes               the daily joke
net.jokes.d               orkstations
to.describe     messages to connecting sites
to.cincy                to the University of Cincinatti
to.lanl-a               to the Los Alamos National Labs
to.ncrday		to NCR in Dayton
to.physics              to the Purdue Physics department
to.pucc			to the Computing Center
to.pur-ee               to the Purdue EE department
to.purdue               to this site
ug.describe     these are underground newsgroups, not officially sponsored
ug.jokes                highly questionable (offensive) daily joke