[net.aviation] Querry: bykes and mopeds to take alo

ljw@trsvax.UUCP (09/16/83)

trsvax!ljw    Sep  8 10:55:00 1983

From:  Werner Uhrig  <cs.werner@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
For a while now, I have been dreaming of having a small moped to take along.
I know it is being done, even on small 4-seaters.  Anyone out there have
any knowledge of manufacturers, prices, problems, etc?
Is it legal/possible to land my plane in Mexico/Canada/Bahamas/Virgin Islands
and drive away on my moped or bicycle?  Are customs, insurance, etc, a problem?
	Moped laws are not uniform from country to country just as they differ
from state to state (mine required a Texas motorcycle license even though it
already had a California bicycle license).  My suggestion would be to license
it as a motorcycle just to be on the safe side (a requirement in Texas) & bring
along proof of ownership and insurance, (special insurance required in Mexico).
	In regards to manufacturers, I am very satisfied with my Puch (although
some dealers leave a lot to be desired) and would recommend it for anyone who
wants a moped.  I have a 1978 Puch Newport Oil-inject and it still runs as good
as it did five years ago even though it's been left outside in the rain and
snow, and even fell off of a truck once on a mountain road.
			...(microsoft|ctvax|laidbak)!trsvax!ljw (Larry West)