[net.aviation] Class II Waivers

jgpo@iwu1c.UUCP (John, KA9MNK) (03/22/84)

Thanks to one and all for your replies to my question about waiver of
the vision requirements on a Second Class medical exam.  The opinions
ranged from "no problem" to "not a chance."  Most agreed that it's
pretty much up to the medic's willingness to fill out the paperwork.
One person suggested I get ahold of a vision report form from GADO, have
an opthamologist fill it out, and then bring it with me when I go for
the Class II examination, as a means of speeding up the process.

What the hey, I think I'll do it when expiration time rolls around.  What
have I got to lose?  After all, they won't take my Third Class away from
me for being uppity, will they?  8-)

	Thanks again,

	John Opalko
	AT&T Bell Labs
	Naperville, IL