[net.math] Gamma Function

bs@faron.UUCP (Robert D. Silverman) (04/02/85)

In response to nonsense that has been coming across the net regarding the
derivative of the factorial function: The factorial function is defined
only for the non-negative integers (0! = 1) and thus is infinitely 
discontinuous and NOWHERE differentiable. Talking about its derivative is
pure nonsense. It does have a continuous analog known as the gamma 
function and I present some facts about it here.
Some facts about the gamma function....
The gamma function is an analytic function except at 0, -1, -2, -3, ...
where it has simple poles. It can be represented as an infinite product
in Weirstrauss canonical form as:

Letting T(z) be the gamma function and y be the Euler-Mascheroni constant

	1                 ---
       ---   =  z exp(yz) | | { (1+z/n) exp (-z/n) }
       T(z)               ---
			  n = 1

The gamma function satisfies no differential equation with rational
coefficients and may be represented in a variety of forms. It does,
however satisfy the difference equation T(z) = zT(z-1) from which we
get the the factorial function for positive integers. 
It may also be represented as:

	        1  ---            z         -1
	T(z) = --  | | { (1 + 1/n) (1 + z/n)  }
	        z  --- 
		   n = 1
except at the non-positive integers.

It satisfies: (known as the duplication formula)
2     T(z) T(z + 1/2) = sqrt(PI) T(2z)
It is relatively easy to find a formula for the logarithmic derivative of
the gamma function:

		      /       -t           -zt
	d T(z)        |       e            e
	------   =    | {    ---   -   ---------  } dt
	 d z          |       t       (1 - exp(-t))
The formula for the derivative itself is rather more difficult:
						  inf			     --
			   __                      /                          |
	d T(z)             |             1         |            t dt          |
	------   =   T(z)  |  log(z) -  ---   - 2  |   ---------------------  |
	 d z               |             2z        |     2   2                |
			   --                      /   (t + z )exp(2PIt - 1)  |
						   0			     --
It can be derived from Binet's formula for the log(T(z)). 
The gamma function itself is usually introduced (defined as) an infinite
	       |   -t z-1
	T(z) = |  e  t    dt
However, this integral converges only for REAL(z) > 0 , and thus fails to
be an analytic representation over the entire plane.

For many more relations involving the gamma function see:
"Handbook of Mathematical Functions" , Abramowitz and Stegun  eds. National
Bureau of Standards