dlf@ea.UUCP (08/13/84)
#N:ea:1200002:000:432 ea!dlf Aug 13 14:40:00 1984 The story you heard about the man flying a lawn chair strapped to a bunch of balloons is true. The guy lived in California somewhere. David Letterman interviewd the guy on his late night show a couple of days after the incident. The man said that the FAA was trying to think up some violation to charge him with, but hadn't been able to find anything up to that point. What will those Californians think of next? Dana French
lmiller@ucla-cs.UUCP (08/16/84)
What I find most interesting about the man in lawn chair responses is that each of them claims a different location and set of circumstances: Washington, California, had a parachute, didn't have a parachute, etc. So I'll throw in my 2 cents worth: 1983, Long Beach California, max altitude 18,000', cited for TCA violation. Larry Miller UCLA computer science dept.
prg@mgweed.UUCP (Phil Gunsul) (08/20/84)
<munch> I don't recall anyone mentioning the ending to this story, and since it seems to be dying out, here's what I saw in the paper about it. Seems that when he came down, he ended up tangled in some high voltage power lines and had to be removed... Everyone agree??? Phil Gunsul