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BEAM Robot Olympics: Could I get a headcount, please? (0 replies, 06/04/91)

Robot Olympics Reminder: Bring on the 'Bots (0 replies, 05/25/91)

BEAM Robot Olympics: Intro, Guidelines and Entrance Form (0 replies, 04/20/91)

Neural Networks for Industry: A 2-day short course (0 replies, 10/19/90)

Scott Goodwin, 15 March 1990: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (0 replies, 03/01/90)

AI Journal, Vol. 22 (0 replies, 03/01/90)

Eric Krotkov, 8 March 1990: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (0 replies, 02/23/90)

Reminder - ITRC Graduate Student Directory (0 replies, 02/10/90)