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Seminar on Classifier Systems at Dept of AI, Edinburgh (0 replies, 06/25/91)
Robotics Seminar at Dept of AI, Edinburgh on July 1st (0 replies, 06/24/91)
Programming Freedom seminar by Richard Stallman at Edinburgh (0 replies, 05/30/91)
Seminar at Dept of AI, Edinburgh on Ecological Modelling (0 replies, 05/28/91)
Late breaking announcement: Planning Seminar at Dept of AI, Edinburgh, 28 May (0 replies, 05/28/91)
Seminar on Knowledge Acquisition at Dept of AI, Edinburgh (0 replies, 05/21/91)
Joint Dept of AI/Cog Sci Seminar at Edinburgh on 10th May 1991 (0 replies, 05/08/91)
Seminar at Dept of AI, Edinburgh on Wed 1st May 1991 (0 replies, 04/25/91)
Seminar at Dept of AI, Edinburgh on 24th April 1991 (0 replies, 04/16/91)