[..] eunet.misc

Oldest | Popular

Anyone heard of 'SoftSwitch'? (1 reply, 06/29/91)

Radio clock time for Unix (1 reply, 04/06/91)

Short Course on HDTV (1 reply, 04/03/91)

SPAN to UUCP gateway (1 reply, 02/25/91)

Program to set clock to NBS time (1 reply, 12/31/90)

BSMTP and Re: UK address ordering and the JNT (1 reply, 11/27/90)

For sale: Scanner and Terminal Server (0 replies, 06/26/91)

Overhead Transparancies (0 replies, 06/25/91)

Attention Microwriter Agenda users (0 replies, 06/20/91)

PhD studentship in Cognitive Modelling at Birmingham (0 replies, 06/18/91)

Workshop announcement - York (0 replies, 06/12/91)

European X User Group spring meeting (0 replies, 06/05/91)

Lund C++ Seminars 13-14 June 1991 (0 replies, 05/28/91)

info wanted on Group DSS (0 replies, 05/21/91)

Vax 9000 or Apollo DN10000 sites ? (0 replies, 05/16/91)

CSCW user interfaces session: call for papers (0 replies, 05/14/91)


Why do I keep getting this error message ? (0 replies, 05/01/91)

C++ Seminars, 13-14 June 1991, Lund (0 replies, 05/01/91)

Wanted: simple network for 2 PC's (0 replies, 04/22/91)

Announcing European C++ User Group (0 replies, 04/18/91)

Temporary 3 year Lectureship in HCI at Birmingham (0 replies, 04/12/91)

Document Exchange DECWrite - MacWriteII (0 replies, 04/09/91)

Your last chance ... (0 replies, 04/02/91)

ALPUK'91 Logic Programming Conference (0 replies, 03/21/91)

Wanted (0 replies, 03/20/91)

faculty position in Belgium (0 replies, 03/14/91)

HELP : Late collisions causing Terminal Servers to reset. (0 replies, 03/10/91)

Summary on Bignums, Rationals, Incremental gaussian elimination & simplex (0 replies, 02/27/91)

Bignums, Rationals, Incremental gaussian elimination & simplex (0 replies, 02/04/91)

future impact of 'info.technology'; structuring with hypertext (0 replies, 01/28/91)

Faculty Position in AI/CS (0 replies, 01/18/91)

eunet.parallel proposal - bad news (0 replies, 01/17/91)

JNT/NLP implementation sought. (0 replies, 12/13/90)

AFRICOM-CCDC/91: 3rd int. conf. on computer communication technologies (0 replies, 11/10/90)

EDITOR HISTORY (0 replies, 11/06/90)

search for Hungarian Internet addresses, URGENT (0 replies, 10/30/90)